PREVIOUS - APRIL 16th – 30th 1917



MAY 1st – 15th 1917

Sick Sisters 192
Reinforcements: 27 VAD members arrived from England.
A/Sister M. E. Brown: DDMS, Rouen, forwarded arrival report of A/Sister M. E. Brown, QAIMNS from sick leave in England. Sent instructions for her to proceed forthwith to 2nd Birmingham War Hospital for duty, as she was on the list of exchanges.
3 Australian General Hospital: Forwarded to DGMS and to Base Paymaster, AIF nominal roll and temporary postings of nursing staff of 3 Australian General.
Application for QAIMNS: Forwarded to DGMS application from S/Nurse D. M. Priestley, TFNS for appointment to the QAIMNS with certificate attached.
Resignations: Forwarded to DGMS list of members of the nursing staff in France who had sent in applications to resign their appointments since the last return from this office.

Left Abbeville 11 a.m. and arrived at Boulogne 1 p.m. Called on Miss Fletcher, Principal Matron, BRCS and Miss Crowdy, Principal Commandant, VADs, at the Hotel Christol.
To 7 Stationary Hospital – not many patients.
To 13 Stationary Hospital – went round with the Acting Matron and the CO and discussed the staff for the new Therapeutic Hut which they thought would not be ready for 3 weeks. Met Lady Algernon Gordon Lennox and discussed with her the 2 houses at Abbeville as to their suitability for a Nurses’ Club.
To 14 General Hospital – saw the CO and Matron, and visited the new tents for extension.
To 13 General Hospital, where they had just evacuated a large number of stretcher cases.
To DDMS office – saw Surgeon-General Sawyer, who spoke about 55 General Hospital at Ambleteuse being the first to start – they would be sending patients there in 2 weeks’ time. More accommodation would be put up for nurses at 13 Stationary and at 8 Stationary.

To Calais to 30 General Hospital – went round with the CO and Matron. There is a new dining hall for the patients and many improvements – much doing the last six weeks – could accommodate extra temporary staff if 2 hours’ notice given to get the tents put up.
To 35 General Hospital – saw the CO and Matron – all in excellent order. The CO was anxious that Miss Mackay should return as Matron as soon as possible. Had lunch in the Sisters’ Mess.
To 32 Stationary Hospital – went round with the CO and Matron. The hospital has extended to 1200 beds and an Assistant Matron is required. 55 General Hospital is in course of erection opposite.
To DDMS office – saw Surgeon-General Babtie, who discussed the shortage of nurses and advocated more use being made of the VADs.
To Hardelot Convalescent Home for the night. Lady Gifford spoke of increased accommodation for nurses being put up – could accommodate extra tables in the dining room.

To 25 General Hospital; saw the new quarters for officers – quite a comfortable villa, with 30 beds. Went round the hospital with the CO and Matron.
To Camiers – visited 18 General Hospital. Saw the CO and Matron. Told Miss Minns she would only be required temporarily to open the Officers’ Convalescent Home at Dieppe. Arranged to change the Assistant Matron to make matters easier for Miss Williams.
To Etaples – saw the DDMS and Miss Denne, A/Principal Matron, also the CO of 56 General Hospital, which is opening at Etaples. Arranged for the accommodation of the staff in the Etaples area. Saw the Matron of 26 General Hospital (Miss Hartigan), Miss Campbell, the Matron of No.1 Canadian General, and the Matron of 54 General Hospital, Miss Cockrell, who is with Miss Denne. She expressed herself very surprised with the amount of work in France and said the Home hospitals were much better staffed. Visited Merry Lodge, also Villa Tino and Villa des Pines – all satisfactory.
Returned to Abbeville 7 p.m.

Carrel-Dakin treatment: During my absence, DDMS Etaples, had reported the arrival of A/Sisters Probert and Chandler, QAIMNSR at 26 General Hospital for instruction in the Carrel-Dakin method of treatment for wounds. Telephone message sent to DDMS Etaples, to ask for copy of the authority for the arrival of these ladies, as nothing was known about them in this office.
22 General Hospital: DDMS Etaples forwarded particulars of the present strength of the nursing staff of the Harvard Unit – now 89, including VADs.
Transfers: Forwarded to DGMS departure report of S/Nurse M. L. Piddocke, QAIMNSR transferred to Home Establishment, also departure report of A/Matron E. Barber, RRC, QAIMNS, recalled to the War Office.
Miss M. F. Whitney, VAD: Forwarded departure report and confidential report on Miss M. F. Whitney, VAD, who proceeded to England on termination of contract 22.4.17, to DGMS.
Miss M. Campbell, VAD: Received copy of War Office letter with the information that the application of Miss Campbell, VAD to cancel her agreement AFW 3542 for the duration of war was approved. Instructions were sent that this lady should now sign AFW 3541 and a certificate that this has been done to be forwarded to the War Office.
Extension of leave: Received copy of War Office telegram granting extension of leave for 7 days to S/Nurse M. Hissey, QAIMNSR, also copy of War Office telegram granting extension of leave to Miss M. E. Ewart, VAD.
Resignation: Received telegram from DGMS stating that S/Nurse M. Horner, TFNS might be released from her present engagement and should report to Matron-in-Chief, TFNS on arrival in England. Copy of wire forwarded to DDMS Etaples.
Miss N. Wright: Letter sent to Mrs. Furse, Commandant-in-Chief, VADs, asking that Miss N. Wright, VAD member, should be sent to France if available.
AANS reinforcements: Forwarded to DGMS arrival report of 4 Sisters, AANS, for duty with 1 Australian General Hospital on 28.4.17, also arrival report of 3 Sisters, AANS, for duty with 2 Australian General.
Resignation: Forwarded to DGMS application to resign from S/Nurse F. E. Kewley, QAIMNSR on account of the serious illness of her adopted mother.
Transfer: Forwarded to DGMS confidential report on S/Nurse K. Grant, TFNS transferred to Home Establishment, also confidential report on S/Nurse P. R. Newcombe, QAIMNSR on resignation.
22 General Hospital: Forwarded to DGMS arrival report of 7 S/Nurses and 2 VAD members for duty with the Harvard Unit.
2 Canadian General: Reported to DGMS arrival of Sister J. Johnson, CAMC at 2 Canadian General on 29.4.17, in relief of Sister J. Sharp, CAMC who had been transferred to England.
Resignation: Received copy of War Office letter accepting resignation of Miss J. Rutherford, VAD. Forwarded copies to DDMS Etaples and Command Paymaster.
56 General Hospital: DGMS forwarded copy of War Office telegram notifying the embarkation of Miss Smith, Matron, Miss Fell, Assistant Matron, 17 Sisters and 31 Staff Nurses belonging to the staff of 56 General Hospital. The VAD members belonging to this unit were holding themselves in readiness to embark later.
Miss G. S. Whitehorn, VAD: Received copy of War Office letter asking for an explanation as to why the resignation of Miss G. S. Whitehorn, VAD, had not been forwarded. Replied that her name had been forwarded on 4.4.17 as one of the ladies returning to England on termination of contract. Received copy of War Office letter notifying that S/Nurse L. Drayton and A/Sister Sargent, QAIMNSR had been instructed to rejoin from sick leave.
Resignation: Forwarded to DGMS application to resign from Sister A. Robertson-Nicholl, TFNS on account of her approaching marriage. Also forwarded application to resign from S/Nurse V. C. Consterdine, QAIMNSR needing a long rest.
S/Nurse Murdoch: DAQMG forwarded letter written by S/Nurse Murdoch, Barge 105. This letter had been opened by the War Office censor and it was found that the censor’s regulations had not been complied with. It was requested that this matter should be enquired into. Forwarded the correspondence to DADMS, Ambulance Trains, for a thorough investigation.
VAD Agreements: Forwarded to DGMS names and reports on VADs and Special Probationers who joined Army Service October, 1915 and 1916, and April 1915 and 1916, and who are returning to England on termination of contract.

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Reinforcements: Received copy of War Office letter notifying that 24 VAD members were crossing on the 4th.
Return from sick leave: Received copy of War Office letter saying that S/Nurse L. Spanton was under orders to rejoin from sick leave in the United Kingdom.
Termination of engagement: Received copy of War Office letter terminating the engagement of S/Nurse J. A. Dickie, QAIMNSR who had proceeded to England on 1.1.17 on leave.
Resignation: Received copy of War Office letter accepting the resignation of S/Nurse B. McIntosh, Canadian Red Cross, attached QAIMNSR, from May 20th.
55 General Hospital: Forwarded to Matron-in-Chief, War Office and Command Paymaster, temporary postings of trained nurses and VAD members belonging to the staff of 55 General Hospital.
VADs in Canadian Units: Returned correspondence to DGMS informing him that the 2 VADs on the staff of 1 Canadian General Hospital were employed in the recreation hut only.
CAMC reinforcements: Reported to DGMS the arrival of Nursing Sister R. Wall, CAMC on 30.4.17.
Resignation: Forwarded to DGMS confidential report on S/Nurse F. J. Fogarty, CHR on resignation.
Hospital Ship “Salta”: Received telegram from DDMS Boulogne saying that the 3 Sisters – Misses Young, Burnett and Nichol, survivors of Hospital Ship “Salta” had been evacuated to England.
Sick Sisters’ Hospital: Received memo from ADMS Abbeville, asking what arrangements were made for the supervision of the Sick Sisters’ Hospital attached to 2 Stationary Hospital. Replied that there was an Acting Matron at the Sick Sisters’ Hospital, but that the Matron of 2 Stationary had been instructed to visit periodically and would be responsible.

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Reinforcements: 10 AANS arrived as reinforcements for Imperial units.
AANS reinforcements: Received letter from AIF Headquarters saying that 2 Staff Nurses, AANS were proceeding to France for duty at 2 Australian General Hospital to replace 2 invalided to England.
S/Nurse W. Cross, QAIMNSR: Received copy of War Office letter stating that S/Nurse W. Cross, QAIMNSR had been granted 2 months’ sick leave.
CAMC transfers: Received copy of War Office letter authorising the embarkation of 3 Canadian Sisters for duty with 6 Canadian General in relief of Nursing Sisters A. Whibby, G. Fenwick and B. Vidal, as the Canadian authorities reported that the services of these ladies had not been satisfactory, and requested their return to England. Forwarded correspondence to Commandant, British Troops, Paris.
Badges: Forwarded to Matron-in-Chief, War Office, names of 7 members of QAIMNSR Canada, who have applied for Reserve badges, for approval.
Resignation: Received application to resign from S/Nurse K. Mahoney, CHR as she does not wish to continue to serve as a Staff Nurse. Returned correspondence to DDMS Boulogne for particulars of insurance. Miss Mahoney to be informed that there is still a waiting list of S/Nurses who joined Army Service and came to France previous to May, 1915.
VAD postings: Forwarded to Matron-in-Chief, War Office, Principal Commandant, VADs, and Command Paymaster, postings of 27 VAD members who arrived in France 1.5.17.
Resignation: Forwarded to DGMS confidential report on S/Nurse M. Horner, TFNS on resignation. Forwarded to DGMS departure report of Miss M. T. Casswell, QAIMNS on 3.5.17 on resignation. DDMS Boulogne forwarded application to resign from S/Nurse A. Welch, QAIMNSR. Returned correspondence to Boulogne, asking for particulars re insurance and if recommended for gratuity.
Termination of contract: Forwarded to DGMS confidential report on Miss M. K. Hill, VAD, on termination of contract.
Promotion: Received copy of War Office letter with reference to the promotion of Sister F. L. Bryant, TFNS late A/Matron, Hospital Ship “St. George”. The conditions of service at sea have now been altered and no permanent promotions to Hospital Ships can now be made.
Wounded Stripe: Received telephone message from DGMS to say that the question of Sisters who had been wounded being allowed to wear the gold stripe was being put forward, and asking the number of Sisters who had been wounded. Replied six.
Miss Jolley: A/Matron, Marseilles Stationary Hospital, came to the office to see the A/Matron-in-Chief.
WAAC: Mrs. Gwynne Vaughan, Lady Superintendent of the WAAC called to ask for advice re the nursing accommodation and discipline of members of the WAAC whose Headquarters were to be at Abbeville.

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Carrel-Dakin treatment: DDMS Etaples forwarded correspondence asking if Miss Probert and Miss Chandler, QAIMNSR now at 26 General Hospital for instruction in the Carrel-Dakin treatment of wounds, could be permitted to go to the Duchess of Westminster’s Hospital at Calais to see some treatment carried out there. Forwarded correspondence to DGMS and asked for his approval, which was given.
General Service VADs: DGMS forwarded copy of letter to Commissioner, BRCS with reference to General Service VAD members, saying that he had been informed by the War Office that all arrangements for their welfare and control whilst employed in military hospitals would be under the Matron-in-Chief, and their position would be exactly similar to that of nursing VAD members.
Returns from sick leave: Received copy of War Office letter notifying that Sister V. M. Marsh, S/Nurse A. Baird, and S/Nurse L. C. Suttor, QAIMNSR and Miss I. Waistell, VAD, were rejoining from sick leave in England.
Rest Club, Calais: Received from DGMS copy of application from Commissioner, BRCS for the employment of 2 VAD members at a Rest Club for nurses being opened at Calais under the Princess Victoria Committee. Forwarded to ADMS Calais for remarks.
Special leave: Received telegram from ADMS Marseilles, asking if Miss A. Williams, VAD, of 49 General Hospital, proceeding to Salonica, might be granted leave to England to see her mother who was seriously ill. This was forwarded to DGMS and a reply was received sanctioning this leave.
Accommodation: Received correspondence from DDMS Rouen asking if the extension to Mess hut which he had included in his statement for the RE Services for the coming winter, should hold good. Replied that the extension would be required.
Resignation: Forwarded to DGMS application to resign from the Misses Milnes Morton, VAD members at 8 General Hospital, on account of the serious illness of their mother.
Marseilles Stationary Hospital: Sent all circulars re VAD members to A/Matron, Marseilles Stationary Hospital.
Lady Algernon Gordon-Lennox came to Abbeville to see the house which is was proposed to take as a Club for Nursing Sisters. Left for Rouen 3 p.m. and arrived at 6.30. Saw the A/Principal Matron about requirements of area.

Saw the DDMS at 9.30 and arranged about equipment for Hostel for Nurses and the office of the A/Principal Matron. Saw the house for the office, which is close to the DDMS office. Spoke to Colonel Russell about the increased accommodation required for Sisters in all units.
To 10 General Hospital – saw the Chaplain, Mr. Nicholson, who had made complaints to the Matron-in-Chief at the War Office about the Matron. Most of the complaints were quite unreasonable. Went round the hospital with the CO and the Matron – saw a large number of German prisoner patients. The wards were in good order and also the Sisters’ Quarters.
To 12 General Hospital – went round with the Matron and CO, and saw the Sisters’ Quarters and extra accommodation for nurses.
To 5 General Hospital – went round with the Matron and CO. The hospital was full and busy and the Matron asked for more trained staff.
At 2.30 p.m. to 3 Stationary Hospital – saw the new Quarters for Sisters, and went round with the CO and Matron.
To 8 General Hospital with the DDMS to see about the new quarters of women clerks, etc. which are close to the Sick Sisters’ Hospital. Saw the Officers’ Hospital of which the beds have been increased to 200 – all in good order and working well. Saw all the Sick Sisters. Miss Denton, the Sister in charge of the Sick Sisters, asked for an interview with me, which I granted. She apparently objects to being under the Matron of 8 General Hospital (Miss Roscoe). Explained to her that as hers was only a section of the hospital, that must be the position. Spoke to Miss Roscoe about exercising tact in dealing with Miss Denton.
To 6 General Hospital – saw the CO, the Matron and the staff, and went round some of the wards with Miss Lyde, the Matron.
To 9 General Hospital – went round the hospital with Miss Toller. Miss Featherstonehaugh, QAIMNS is anxious for a change of work, which I promised to consider.
To 25 Stationary Hospital – saw all the Sick Sisters (infectious). Miss Northover, a Territorial Matron from Salonika, is now in charge – all working well. Stayed the night at Rouen.

Left at 8.30 a.m. for Havre – arrived at the DDMS office at 11 a.m. and saw Colonel Thurston, who asked me to see the Hospital, and which is a new one just about to start.
To 2 General Hospital – saw Miss Blakeley, A/Principal Matron, and went round the chief sections of the hospital. The hospital was full owing to the delay in evacuations for which they were waiting till the moon had gone.
To 39 General Hospital to see the wards for battle casualties just opened and where Sisters are working. At 2.30 p.m. to Sick Sisters’ Hospital – 20 beds available only. Impossible to get a bigger house owing to the great demand in Havre for houses for the Belgians. The Sister in charge and the Sisters had papered and colour-washed the rooms themselves, and all was in excellent order and most comfortable.

To Etretat, to No.1 General Hospital, arriving at 5 p.m. Saw the CO and the Matron and went round the greater part of the hospital. Miss McCarthy is staying here, and was up and about, and progressing well. Stayed the night.
Left at 8.30 a.m. for Dieppe. Arrived at 5 Stationary “A” Section at 10.30 a.m. Saw over the hospital. The section from Abbeville had just joined them and their beds were 300 but were to increase. Promised to increase the nursing staff. The A/Matron, Miss Bartlett, reported that the work had been heavy during the winter – no battle casualties – only local sick. Left Dieppe at 11.30 a.m. – arrived Abbeville 1.30 p.m.

During my absence a letter had arrived from Miss Becher re American nurses and also about uniform of Special Probationers.
Sick List: Reported to Miss Fletcher, Principal Matron, BRCS and Miss Crowdy, Principal Commandant, VADs in France, that Mrs. Johnson, VAD at 8 BRCS Hospital had been placed on the “Dangerously Ill” list suffering from Tonsillitis and septic glands of the neck.
Resignation: DGMS returned correspondence re Miss Casswell’s resignation, asking if her badge had been returned to the War Office and if so, by whom. Forwarded to Treport, asking for this information.
Identification discs: Forwarded VAD identification discs to Boulogne, Havre, Calais and Rouen for distribution.
Reinforcements: Received telephone message from GHQ that 23 Sisters for 38 Stationary Hospital would arrive in Boulogne on the 8th. Forwarded temporary postings to DDMS Boulogne. Forwarded postings of the trained members of the staff of 56 General Hospital to Matron-in-Chief, War Office, and Command Paymaster. Forwarded postings of 24 VAD members who arrived on the 4th to Matron-in-Chief, War Office, Command Paymaster, and Miss Crowdy. Arrival report of these ladies forwarded to DGMS also reported that Mrs. H. Simeon had arrived in place of Miss Abercrombie. DGMS asked for information re list of Nursing Sisters forwarded on April 28th – he wished to know whether they were for Canadian or Imperial units and asked to which hospital the 3 Sisters whose disposal was not arranged by War Office had been posted. Replied that the ladies were Imperial Nursing Sisters. As the nominal roll of the Stationary Hospital to which they belonged had not been received, it was not known which ladies were to be used as reinforcements.
Return from sick leave: Forwarded to DGMS arrival report of S/Nurse L. Spanton, Sister E. R. Murphy, and S/Nurse V. Marsh, QAIMNSR from sick leave in England.
Transfer: Forwarded to DGMS confidential report on S/Nurse M. L. Piddocke, QAIMNSR transferred to Home Establishment.
WAAC sick accommodation: DGMS forwarded application from Commissioner, BRCS, asking if the employment of VAD members could be sanctioned to look after the sick accommodation in the quarters of the WAAC units at the following places: 1 member at Monthieux, 4 at Rouen, 2 at St. Omer, 1 at Dieppe, 2 at Abbeville and 1 at Wailly. DGMS asked for our remarks.
Reinforcements: Received copy of War Office letter notifying that 10 AANS for service in Imperial units were embarking for France on 5.5.17.
Resignation: Received copy of War Office letter accepting the resignation of S/Nurse M. H. Self, QAIMNSR 10 General Hospital from May 26th. Forwarded to DGMS confidential report on Miss J. Rutherford, VAD 20 General Hospital, on resignation. Forwarded to DGMS departure report of S/Nurse A. McKinnon, QAIMNSR, S/Nurse M. V. Adams and S/Nurse I. G. Grenville, Canadian Red Cross, all on resignation.
Transfer: Forwarded to DGMS confidential report on Sister E. A. Baines, QAIMNSR transferred to Home Establishment.
Resignation: Forwarded to DGMS departure report of A/Sister E. M. Montgomerie, QAIMNSR on resignation.
WAAC Sick accommodation: Received correspondence from DDCS asking if a detention room or sick bay was considered necessary for each unit of the WAAC. An indent had been received for equipment to furnish a house at Wimereux for this purpose. Forwarded correspondence to DGMS asking for his opinion.
Reinforcements: DGMS forwarded copy of War Office telegram asking if 50 VADs could be sent weekly as well as 100 trained nurses. 353 VADs were waiting to proceed to France. 30 trained nurses were being sent on the 8th, 11th, 15th, 18th and 22nd. Replied saying that 50 VADs could be sent weekly after the 24th May.
Nurses at Marseilles: Received wire from ADMS Marseilles to say that 66 Sisters, survivors of a transport, had lost all their kit, and asking if their kit should be procured locally at public expense. Repeated the wire to DGMS Reply was received later asking if the Sisters were proceeding outward or homeward and if it was possible to procure their kit locally. Wire repeated to ADMS Marseilles. Reply received that kit could not be procured locally and asking if the Sisters should return to England to procure new kit.

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Women servants: SMO Treport forwarded application for authority to be obtained for the employment of women servants in the Sisters’ Mess at 16 General Hospital.
Staffs of Hospital Ships: ADMS Marseilles forwarded nominal roll of Nursing Sisters off Hospital Ships “Formosa” and “Glengorm Castle”, who had been disembarked at Marseilles and sent into camp. Some of these Sisters were en route for Malta and Salonika and would be sent on at the first opportunity. Instructions were asked for as to the disposal of the nursing staffs of these ships. Wire sent to DGMS asking for instructions.
VADs in Canadian units: DGMS forwarded correspondence re application for an extra VAD to be employed for secretarial duties at 3 Canadian General Hospital. Remarks asked for. Correspondence forwarded to DDMS Boulogne asking for his remarks.
Sick List: Wire sent to Matron-in-Chief, CAMC informing her that Sister L. Connerty, CAMC had been placed on the “Seriously ill” list suffering from diphtheria.
Miss M. Cameron, TFNS: DGMS forwarded copy of War Office letter stating that Miss Mary Cameron, Sister, TFNS had been selected as Assistant Matron of the 2nd Line Scottish General Hospital, No.58, and asking that the Matron of the hospital in which Miss Cameron was serving should forward the necessary recommendation for her promotion. Miss Cameron to join 58 General Hospital on its arrival in France.
Nurses at Marseilles: Received telegram from ADMS Marseilles stating that there were 200 nurses at Marseilles waiting embarkation who required pay. The Base Cashier had no authority to pay them and asked if authority could be obtained. Wired to DGMS for necessary authority.
Accommodation: Sent memo to DDMS Etaples and Boulogne, asking when the nursing staffs of 53, 54, 55, and 56 General Hospitals could be accommodated in their own quarters, as the accommodation in existing units is required for reinforcements.
Resignation: Forwarded to DGMS application to resign from S/Nurse M. Mitchell, QAIMNSR, 16 General Hospital – required complete rest. SMO Treport returned correspondence re Miss Casswell’s resignation and reported that she had been instructed to send her badge direct to the War Office on arrival in England.
Transfer of CAMC: Returned to DGMS correspondence re moves of Nursing Sisters of 2 Canadian CCS – all the moves effected with the exception of Miss … and Miss Webb, who were awaiting the arrival from England of Miss C. M. Hood and Miss M. L. Thompson.
Miss M. H. Smyth: QAIMNS, Sister in charge, 36 CCS, came to the office to report that the unit was temporarily closed and would be re-opening in a short time at Tincourt. The nursing staff were temporarily accommodated at the Nurses’ Home, Abbeville.
Resignation: Telegram received from DGMS saying that the resignation of S/Nurse V. C. Consterdine, QAIMNSR was accepted. Informed SMO St. Omer by wire.
Nurses from Malta: AQMG forwarded copy of wire sent by him to Base Commandant Boulogne and Commandant Paris, sent to the United Kingdom via Modane, Paris and Boulogne. In the event of their being detained in Paris or Boulogne, accommodation and food must be arranged.

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Return from sick leave: DGMS forwarded copy of War Office letter notifying that the Hon. E. M. Lyttleton, VAD and Miss F. A. James, VAD had been instructed to rejoin from sick leave.
Transfer: Received copy of War Office letter saying that Miss E. M. Smyth, Sister, ANSR, had been pronounced fit for duty by medical board and would not be returning to France to duty.
Nurses at Marseilles: Correspondence received from ADMS Marseilles, with reference to the Sisters who were indulgence passengers on “Formosa” and “Glengorm Castle” and who had been disembarked at Marseilles. Owing to delay in sailing, they had already been 35 days on the journey and messing allowance at rate of 5/6 each per day was owing from them. They had paid for 9 days but could not complete payments. ADMS Marseilles asked if they were responsible for the payment of the balance of the messing money as the delay was due to causes beyond their control, and that as they only drew 25/- per week board allowance, it would be hard if they had to pay 38/6 per week. Correspondence to DGMS for decision.
Resignation: Forwarded to DGMS particulars re insurance and recommendation for gratuity for S/Nurse Consterdine, QAIMNSR on resignation.
Staff of CCS: Received telephone message from DMS 5th Army saying that 29 CCS was to be re-opened on the 11th and asking for the nursing staff to rejoin. Also asking for staff to be made up to 13.
7 Canadian Stationary Hospital: Letter received from A/Principal Matron, Havre, saying that 7 Canadian Stationary Hospital was moving shortly.
Highland CCS: Letter received from Miss McCormick, Sister in charge, Highland CCS saying that the officers and personnel of 39 Stationary Hospital were arriving and taking over. Instructions were sent for the nursing staff of Highland CCS to remain with 39 Stationary Hospital until their own nursing staff arrived.
Went to Etaples to see Mrs. and Miss Brice-Miller at Le Petit Chateau with reference to the re-opening of their Convalescent Home for Nursing Sisters.

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Nurses at Marseilles: Received telegram from DGMS with reference to the nursing staffs of Hospital Ships “Formosa” and “Glengorm Castle”. These Sisters were to be sent to England to their homes and were to report in writing to the War Office on arrival. Wire repeated to ADMS Marseilles.
Rest Club, Calais: Returned to DGMS correspondence re VADs required to manage a Rest Club for Nurses at Calais. Recommended that 2 VADs might be appointed for this purpose.
AANS reinforcements: Received copy of War Office telegram stating that S/Nurses D. Northcote and H. Gillham, AANS would join No.2 Australian General Hospital on the 10th inst. from England.
VAD Cooks: Forwarded to DGMS reminder re question of VAD Cooks, and also re question of VAD Long Service Bar.
Harvard Unit: Forwarded to DGMS correspondence received from DDMS Etaples asking if 10 VAD members might be sent for duty with the Harvard Unit, and if they might arrive with the June contingent.
VAD Uniform: Received letter from Mrs. Furse, Commandant-in-Chief, VADs, re irregularities in VAD uniform. Forwarded memo to the Principal Matrons on this subject.
Accommodation: Sent memo to DDMS Etaples asking how soon temporary accommodation could be arranged for the nursing staff of 56 General Hospital, as it had been notified that the permanent quarters would not be ready within 3 months.
38 Stationary Hospital: Forwarded to DGMS arrival report of nursing staff of 38 Stationary Hospital on 8.5.17.
Resignation: Forwarded to DGMS confidential report on S/Nurse Cottrell, QAIMNSR on resignation.
Promotion: Forwarded to DGMS recommendation for promotion of S/Nurse A. Flamank, TFNS to rank of Sister.
10 BRCS Hospital: Returned to DGMS correspondence re increase of staff for 10 BRCS Hospital. The beds at this hospital having been increased from 50 to 75, Lady Murray requested that another trained nurse should be sanctioned.
1 Australian CCS: Received telephone message from DMS 2nd Army saying that 1 Australian CCS was moving from Estaires to Bailleul. 5 of the nursing staff would not be required for a time and these were instructed to proceed to 10 Stationary Hospital for temporary duty.
2 Stationary Hospital: Received application from ADMS Abbeville for increase of nursing staff at 2 Stationary Hospital. Replied that arrangements were being made to increase the staff as soon as it could be arranged to billet the 14 Sisters of 3 Australian General Hospital now accommodated in this unit.
Nurses at Marseilles: Received copy of War Office wire from Adjutant General, GHQ, saying that the 66 nurses (survivors of transport) were to be sent to England and were to report in writing on arrival to the Matron-in-Chief, TFNS at 80, Pall Mall. Repeated the wire to ADMS Marseilles.

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Long Service Bar: Received copy of War Office letter with reference to the wearing of the Long Service Bar by VAD members who have not served 13 consecutive months in a Military Hospital. Regulations relative to the question had been issued and will shortly be forwarded to the different Commands.
39 Stationary Hospital: Received from DGMS nominal roll of 39 Stationary Hospital – Miss Dowse, late QAIMNS Matron in charge.
S/Nurse Hodgkinson, TFNS: Received copy of War Office letter from Matron-in-Chief, TFNS with authority for the promotion of S/Nurse Hodgkinson, TFNS to rank of Sister on April 15th 1915. No previous information had been received re this promotion.
CAMC reinforcements: Received copy of War Office letter notifying the embarkation on the 9th inst. of 11 Nursing Sisters for 2 Canadian General Hospital and 12 Nursing Sisters for 6 Canadian General, as reinforcement.
Miss Abbott, VAD: Received copy of War Office letter notifying that Miss M. Abbott, VAD, was unable to return to France at present owing to health. This lady had proceeded on 3 weeks’ sick leave from 8 Stationary Hospital. Informed the unit.
Extension of sick leave: Received copy of War Office letter notifying that Miss F. King, TFNS on 3 weeks’ sick leave to United Kingdom had been granted extension.
39 Stationary Hospital: DGMS forwarded memo from DMS 1st Army saying that it was impossible to arrange for 31 Sisters to be stationed at 39 Stationary Hospital – 14 only would be required at Fort Gassion, at present.
Issue of fuel: Memo forwarded to AQMG with reference to the question of issue of fuel for Nursing Sisters who draw rations on repayment, requesting that the authority of the GOC, L of C should be obtained for the issue of fuel. The quantity required would be covered by Allowance Regulations, Para: 247.
Payment of Board Allowance: Sent memo to DGMS asking that the system of paying Board Allowance to each Sister should be allowed to continue. Owing to enforced frequent moves, especially in the Front area, it would be extremely difficult to comply with the conditions of ACI 264.
Sick List: DDMS Havre telephoned that Sister A. Hockey, SAMNS attached QAIMNSR, 2 General Hospital, had been placed on the “Dangerously Ill” list with Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Sent wire to Matron-in-Chief, War Office, and informed DGMS.
Nursing staff at Marseilles: Wire received from ADMS Marseilles, to say that a kit belonging to a Sister proceeding east had been placed on board the lost transport in error, and had been lost. Asked if she should proceed to the United Kingdom with the 66 survivors to re-fit. Wire repeated to DGMS.
Visited 2 Stationary Hospital and instructed the Matron to utilise the staff of the Sick Sisters’ Hospital as required, for 2 Stationary Hospital, and arranged to increase the permanent staff of 2 Stationary Hospital as soon as there is accommodation for them.
Visited the South African General Hospital and went round with the Matron, Mrs. Creagh. Saw the CO More VADs were asked for here.
Visited 3 Australian General Hospital, which is not quite ready but has taken in some patients. Asked that the provision of accommodation for the Sisters should be expedited as it was necessary that they should get into their own quarters as soon as possible.

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VAD cooks: DGMS returned correspondence re VAD cooks, saying that the question had been referred to the War Office, and information would be received in due course.
Return from sick leave: Received copy of War Office letter notifying that Miss Lloyd-Thomas, VAD had been instructed to rejoin from sick leave.
39 Stationary Hospital: Received copy of War Office telegram stating that Miss Dowse, QAIMNS Retired, and 22 nurses for 39 Stationary Hospital were leaving for France on 11.5.17. Arrival report forwarded to DGMS.
CAMC transfers: Received copy of War Office letter with reference to the moves of nursing staff of 2 Canadian CCS, stating that the embarkation of Sisters Hood and Thompson had been authorised and asking that arrangements might be made for the return to England of the Sisters they were relieving.
Transfer: Received copy of War Office letter approving the transfer to Home Establishment of Miss M. Armitage, QAIMNSR.
Nursing staff on Hospital Ships: DGMS returned the correspondence re messing money due from Sisters who were indulgence passengers on Hospital Ship “Formosa” and “Glengorm Castle”, saying that as this was a financial question it should be referred to the GOC, L of C.
Canadian Sisters at Marseilles: Received copies of telegrams between DMS Canadian Contingents, DGMS and DAG Base, referring to Canadian Sisters now at Marseilles who belong to 25 Canadian General Hospital staff at Salonika. Instructions given that Matron Wilson should return to England and that the 4 Sisters should be posted to 1 Canadian General Hospital.
Record of previous service: Forwarded to DGMS application for a certified record of previous service from Sister H. Whiteford, ANSR.
Harvard Unit: Forwarded to DGMS application from Miss E. Brooks, E. Murray and M. E. Duffy of the American Ambulance, to be appointed members of the Harvard Unit, to replace Sisters leaving the unit in June.
Non-return from leave: Reported to DGMS that Miss A. C. Given, VAD, who was granted extension of leave by medical certificate, had not reported for duty.
Resignation: Forwarded to DGMS departure report of S/Nurse V. C. Consterdine, QAIMNSR on 11.5.17 on resignation. Forwarded to DGMS application to resign from S/Nurse B. Curtin, QAIMNSR. Reason – private affairs.
48 CCS: Received telephone message from DMS 4th Army to say that 48 CCS was closing today, and 21 CCS shortly.

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Accommodation: DDMS Etaples, forwarded memo stating that accommodation in Nissen huts would shortly be available for the Nursing Staff of 56 General Hospital as a temporary measure. This unit would shortly be ready to take in 3 or 4 hundred patients. There was much difficulty in putting up the hospital as the site was a very exposed one on the slope of a hill.
Miss R. Lyster, VAD: Forwarded memo to DGMS notifying that Miss R. Lyster, VAD had re-considered her decision to return to England on termination of contract and had now signed an agreement for extension of service.
VAD reinforcements: Received letter from Mrs. Oliver, Secretary to the Joint Committee, saying that the suspended parties of VAD members would be proceeding to France at the rate of 50 per week on Tuesdays and Fridays, commencing on May 25th. All members were being sent through Devonshire House – none from Home Hospitals.
40 Stationary Hospital: Received copy of War Office telegram notifying that Miss Hepple, Matron, QAIMNS, 10 Sisters and 14 Staff Nurses belonging to the staff of 40 Stationary Hospital would proceed to France on 15.5.17.
S/Nurse V. I. Clark, AANS: Received copy of War Office letter stating that the application of S/Nurse V. I. Clark, AANS to be transferred to the Home Service in Australia had been submitted to the Australian authorities in London and the reply had been received that it was regretted her request could not be granted at present.
Extension of leave: Received copy of War Office telegram saying that 7 days’ leave in extension had been granted to Miss Malet, VAD to May 26th.
Resignation: Received copy of War Office letter accepting the resignation of S/Nurse F. E. Kewley, QAIMNSR, 23 Ambulance Train. Received copy of War Office letter notifying that the resignation of Miss A. Biggar, VAD had been accepted from May 13th.
WAAC Sick quarters: Correspondence received through DGMS from Commissioner, BRCS asking if VADs employed in sick quarters of the WAAC would be allowed to draw rations. These would be drawn for them by the Officer of the WAAC. These VAD members were working under the Joint Committee. Application approved.
Sister Parker, CAMC: Received from SMO Treport proceedings of Medical Board on Sister Parker, CAMC 2 Canadian General Hospital. This lady was suffering from anaemia and debility and had been granted 6 weeks’ leave to United Kingdom. Returned proceedings to SMO, Treport, saying that this was irregular, the maximum period of leave to be granted by Board was 21 days, and if it was considered that this lady was in need of a longer period, she should have been evacuated sick to England in the ordinary way.
3 Australian General Hospital: Received application from the OC, 3 Australian General Hospital, for permission to send the Matron and one surgical Sister to Compiegne to study the special Carrel-Dakin treatment of wounds. Lt. Col. Taylor Young was proceeding on the following day and they could accompany him. Replied saying it was regretted that permission could not be given as no arrangements had been made for Nursing Sisters to proceed to Compiegne.
Claim by Hotel de la Paix, Amiens: Received correspondence from the Central Registration Office, with reference to the claim for the occupation of 43 rooms by Nursing Sisters at the Hotel de la Paix, Amiens, between the 13th and 28th of August, 1914. Information was required as to whether the rooms were continually occupied during this period and whether any arrangement had been made as to indemnity or if any payments had been made. The amount claimed was 1935 francs – 3 francs a night for 15 nights for 43 rooms. Replied that the rooms had been used continually and that no payment had been made by the nurses. The arrangement had been made with the approval of the Base Commandant, Advanced Base, and the amount claimed was correct.
QAIMNSR Canada: Received copy of War Office letter with reference to the pay of nursing staff engaged in Canada for service with the QAIMNSR. Owing to a misunderstanding they had been paid at the initial rate laid down for a Sister though not necessarily employed in rank above Staff Nurse. It was decided that while employed as Staff Nurses their pay would remain a the fixed rate of £50 per annum. If appointed Sisters, they would have the usual increment of pay and the first increment would date from beginning of the second year’s service in the rank of Sister. Nominal roll of these nurses was attached.
WAAC sick quarters: Forwarded to DDMS Rouen, SMO St. Omer, ADMS Dieppe and Abbeville, copy of correspondence received from DGMS with reference to the employment of VAD members in the quarters of the WAAC units to look after the sick accommodation. Remarks were asked for.
CCS Re-opening: Received telephonic communication from DMS 4th Army, to say that 36 CCS and 39 CCS would re-open on the 20th and that he would like the staff to re-join on the 17th. 5 CCS would be closing in about a week and 13 CCS in about 10 days. 48 CCS was closing on the 15th.
Hospital at Trouville: Received telephone message from Colonel Burtchaell with reference to the nursing staff required for the new hospital at Trouville with 2500 beds. Replied that the number of nurses fixed by War Office establishment was about 5%.
Nurses from Marseilles: DDMS Havre telephoned that 51 Sisters who had arrived from Marseilles had left for England on the 13th.

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Resignation: Forwarded to DGMS application to resign from S/Nurse G. A. Salmond, QAIMNSR on account of approaching marriage. Received copy of War Office letter accepting the resignations of VAD members Miss C. Milnes-Morton and Miss M. Milnes-Morton.
Efficiency Stripe: Received copy of War Office letter with reference to the special Efficiency Stripe for VAD members working in regular Military Hospitals, in place of the White Service Bar at present worn.
Messing allowance: Forwarded to AQMG copy of ACI 264 of 1917 which states that the messing money due to members of the nursing staff must be paid to the Matron. Asked if authority might be given for exception to be made in the case of small units such as Ambulance Trains and CCS where there was no Matron and where moves frequently occurred.
Censorship Regulations: Forwarded to the DA and QMG correspondence with reference to the contravention of the Censorship Regulations by Miss B. Murdock, Barge A108, 2 & 5 Ambulance Flotilla.
Cameras: Received copy of War Office letter with reference to the ladies of the nursing staff arriving in France in possession of cameras. Steps had been taken to ensure that everyone connected with the nursing service and the WAAC should be made fully aware of the prohibition in force regarding the possession and use of cameras in France.

Left Abbeville at 10.15 a.m. for the 3rd Army. Arrived at Boubers, 1/1 London CCS, 11.30 a.m. – a Territorial unit, with Miss Bulman, TFNS in charge. Went round the hospital with the CO and Sister in charge – about 150 patients in at the time of the visit – no battle casualties; about 10 beds surgical cases, the result of a bomb explosion. There is a tent extension of 300 beds. Saw all the Sisters, and the Sisters’ quarters, which are very comfortable, being in a nice sized house about 3 minutes walk from the hospital.
To Frevent, to 6 Stationary Hospital, arriving at 12.15 noon. Went round the hospital with Miss Daly, the A/Matron, and the CO, Lt. Col. Harding. All in excellent order – had been evacuating largely – about 350 cases in hospital at the time of the visit. Saw the new hut for officers suffering from shell shock – not yet in use, to be opened next week, which will greatly relieve the existing Officers’ Hospital, which was overcrowded on the day of my visit, owing to a large number of shell shock cases. 59 officers in hospital altogether. Had lunch in the Sisters’ Mess, most comfortable and well kept.
To Doullens at 3 p.m. to 1/2 Northumbrian CCS – went all over the hospital with Miss Teevan, the Sister in charge, and the CO – a Territorial. The hospital is in three buildings, all in excellent order – not busy at the time of the visit as they had just evacuated by hospital train. Saw the arrangements for hot shower baths for the troops – water pumped from the river and heated by an incinerator – ten showers, so that 10 men can bath at one time. The Corporal in charge told me he could do 150 men in one morning.
To 3 Canadian Stationary Hospital – saw Miss Wilson, the Matron, and the Sisters. Went over the hospital – not busy at the time of the visit. Beautifully situated in the old citadel – heard the guns all the afternoon. Returned to Abbeville by 7 p.m.


NEXT - MAY 16th – 31st 1917